Saturday, April 7, 2012

Section III: Rationale and Essential Question

You should discuss your background with this topic, why you chose it, what you hoped to learn and why. Also, you will discuss in detail your essential question and major secondary questions. How did you come up with them? Did some of them seem too difficult to answer? Also, discuss what you thought the answers to your questions might be. Originally, what did you expect to find out while doing this project? You should discuss these particular topics in detail. Do not treat this section as strictly question and answer. Expand on your answers with discussion. This section should be about a page. 
IMPORTANT: Be cautious of making assumptions. You should continually seek peer evaluation to eliminate these assumptions about what the reader knows regarding your topic. 

A hard copy of Sections II and III is due at the end of class on Friday, April 13. Refer to Blackboard for a student sample.

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